This garden style apartment building has a beautiful pool. Some units have fireplaces inside. This is ideal again because it does not have flat roofs. The pool grounds are there for tenants to enjoy. We may also add a playground for children to play, and a large grassy area for all to enjoy.
This garden style apartment complex is an ideal project for us. It is two stories, made of brick and looks like it needs a little exterior maintenance. The landscaping is nice and mature too. We would take this apartment building and update the inside of each unit over time stabilizing rents and securing our investment.
This is another garden style ideal apartment building. We look to improve lush green landscaping whenever possible. This does not have a flat roof, it has clean, lush mature landscaping and a large grassy area for the tenants to enjoy. We would add this type of common area to improve the overall look of the complex. We may also add a playground, dog park, or pool.